Camp 1 ( Favorite activity )

  Kia Ora Bloggers, today im going to explain my favorite activity that we did at camp.

So my favorite activity was climbing because it was fun and easy to get onto and being connected to it helped me gain more control over where I stood, and what holds to grab on to. Being hooked to a rope helped me trust the people holding the rope so if i fall I would dangle in the air.

What was you favorite activity at camp?

The One And Only Ivan ( Novel ponder 2 )

Kia Ora bloggers,

These are my explanations for the questions it is ok if you have a different idea.

I think that art is what Ivan is most proud of because, he can express his feelings and problems in life through his drawings.

the conclusions that Ivan Draws about himself is, his drawings explain who he is, it shows that he is fascinated in life and is very eager to explore.

What do you think???

Kia Ora Boggers ( One and only Ivan ) Blog Ponder

Kia ora bloggers these are my answers to this question.

I think that gorillas shouldn’t be kept in a cage in the middle of any mall because, they do not learn any survival skills and are probably being fed poorly. Yes I think ivan could be lonely because his only friends are Ella and Bob who are known as an elephant and a dog so he han’t been able to spend any time with his own kind.

If i was a gorilla I would rather live in a zoo then a cage because they are well fed and looked after.

If you were a gorilla where would you want to live?

A piece of writing I am proud of. (Ruin – Task 4 )

Kia ora Bloggers today I want to share with you a piece of writing i’m proud of . It is pretty short but im proud of it and enjoy.

If you couldn’t read it it says:

As a dome of bright lights and clouds spread across the sky a man was wearily standing upon a rusted, dry, abandoned building. He  gazed upon the empty meaningless land of sand, and rust wondering, hoping if he was going to survive. 

What is a piece of writing you are proud of and why??

My blog post about my Animal Hero (Police Dog)

Kia ora bloggers today I want to show you my animal hero and why  I decided to blog about this particular animal.

  The reason I decide to blog about this animal is because this Animal can be useful. People like police use Police dogs to track people like thieves and prisoners just by using the cent that they leave.

What is your animal hero and why?

Animal Visit ( from the Police🤪)

Kia Ora Bloggers

This tuesday we had a visit from police that had brought their police dogs.

Their police dogs did some amazing tricks like an example of how they track criminals or thiefs down.

They had a glove to prove how a dog chases people and  proved that the dog was under special training, the dog could run, track and hunt people if they were commanded.

some amazing things that you noticed about their police dogs?

Reflection on Te Reo Maori Week (Last day of the week)

Kia Ora everyone.

This week was Te Reo Maori language  week and unfortunately today is the last day.

During every morning we were advised to do our karakia  every morning. In our class this week we would welcome each other in Te Reo Maori  and reply with how we are feel.


What did you do for Te Reo Maori language week?


T3 Lemoncello – Weekly Ponder

Rose Vermette left the library because she had a soccer game that she wanted to attend, and Kayla Corson left because she thought it was lame.

If I had a decision to leave or the stay, I would leave because if I stayed and lost there would be no point in why I joined in the first place.

If you had a decision to leave the library or to stay what would you choose?