The One And Only Ivan ( Bog Ponder 8- )

Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Kia Ora, faka lahi lahi atu, malo ni, And all of those lovely greetings.

Today im going to be answering theese questions.

  • julia understand Ivan and his paintings. Do you think its possible for humans and animals to understand each other???
  • why do you think Julia Uderstood Ivans painting before her dad did???

Im going to answer the fist question and you can take the time to answer the second question.

Ok, so I think that it is possible for humans and animals to understand each other. Animals are usually commanded to sit, roll over, and many other things and usually it takes time for animals to understand what you mean, but usually they uderstand after a while.

What do you think?

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